Here you will find definitions and explanations of some of the technical terms used in this course.
- adjective
- adverb
- affix
- alveolar ridge
- article
- circumfix
- clause
- conjugation
- conjunction
- consonant
- demonstrative
- dental
- determiner
- dialect
- diphthong
- dual
- fricative
- gender
- glottal stop
- grammar
- imperative
- imperfective
- inclusive/exclusive
- infix
- interjection
- intonation
- intransitive
- irrealis
- kinship
- loanword
- locative
- moiety
- morpheme
- morphology
- nasal
- noun
- noun class
- noun phrase
- number
- numeral
- object
- orthography
- palatal
- part of speech
- perfective
- person
- phoneme
- phonology
- plural
- possessive
- postposition
- prefix
- preposition
- pronominal prefix
- pronoun
- reciprocal
- reduplication
- reflexive
- relative pronoun
- retroflex
- root
- singular
- stem
- stop
- subject
- suffix
- syllable
- tense
- transitive
- transitivity
- trial
- variety
- verb
- verb phrase
- voicing
- vowel
- word order
If you would like more of an extensive explanation, visit one of these online dictionaries of linguistic terms:
- This one contains brief linguistic definitions, with hyperlinks to related concepts. (No search function).
- This one is much more technical but has a search function for easier navigation.
- This one is a nice entry level site, however it is not very comprehensive.